Why Handmade
Made by hand, with care
Making an exceptional knife is not simple; we knew this going in. But our commitment to quality over compromise, and our desire to make a knife we were proud to put our name on, led us on the journey that got us where we are today. First, we sought craftsmen to hand make our knives using time-honored traditions. Then we learned that truly excellent artisanal knives are made in small batches. This approach takes time to be sure, but the end product is worth the wait.
To this day, this is the way every Bear Creek knife is made, and there are no plans to change this process. Our knives are not "perfect", intentionally so. We didn't set out to create a cheaply, mass produced kitchen implement. May it never be! All our knives are made with care- they have soul. We celebrate the imperfections as unique, and you have the satisfaction of knowing the Bear Creek Knife you hold in your hand is one-of-a-kind. When something is right, you don’t mess with it.